Hum the pitch that seems to come the most natural to you, and record yourself.
Do this every day over a period of time, and see if you can find your own personal center frequency.
Compose more music using that root note.
Composition Exercise #490
Don’t throw the bathwater out with the baby.
You may want to use it to wash something else.
Composition Exercise #489
You can leave your mask on.
Composition Exercise #488
Improve something by changing the context.
Composition Exercise #487
Resonance over communication.
Composition Excision #486
This Composition Exercise has been edited for length and clarity.
Composition Exercise #485
Admire people’s play ethic.
Composition Exercise #484
There is no shortcut: you must learn the shortcuts.
Composition Exercise #483
Pay your peers.
Trading favors has its place,
but it’s good to make a real difference,
and it feels great. Selfishly pay your peers.
Who will, if not you?
Composition Exercise #482
Write a non-codependent love song.