Compose a piece where the parts are bigger than the whole.
Composition Exercise #530
Drum kits in a hail storm.
Composition Exercise #529
Messiaen, but fish instead of birds.
Composition Exercise #528
You have to learn the rules before you break them,
but you can’t rule the breaks if you don’t play them.
Composition Exercise #527
Release yourself from your music.
Composition Exercise #526
Compose a piece in which every sonic event is used exactly three times.
Composition Exercise #525
Become aware of your expectations and let them go.
Composition Exercise #524
Don’t write music that is “backed by science”.
Composition Exercise #523
Don’t take your secrets to the grave.
Composition Exercise #522
Elevate your peers.
We are interdependent parts of the same ecosystem. If one is elevated, all are better off.