Is it boring or are you just not interested enough?
Composition Exercise #411
Write a piece in which any notes are either at least two bars or two octaves apart.
Composition Exercise #410
Is your network really yours?
What if you think of it as just a network with you in it?
Composition Exercise #409
Loudspeakers with protective masks.
Art: An Affirmation
The spectrum of reactions to the evolving crisis that I encounter ranges from denial to disaster porn, from calls for more state control to conspiracy theorizing about the deep state. The air seems to almost be crackling with cognitive dissonance. But reality is most always more nuanced than I can grasp, and confirmation bias a constant companion to be aware of. So I say: leave the experting to the experts, and let the artists do the arting.
Possessing the artist’s tool kit has its advantages in this time: I feel like my most important work right now is to open myself up to the reality of our moment. To feel it, to understand it while being ok with not knowing, to allow myself to be changed, to not rush to any premature conclusions, to hold the space for the paradoxical, to double-check my own biases whenever I see biases on others.
Only then can I have confidence in my capacity to respond, when ready and appropriate, in an appropriate way, as a person, a friend, a creator and a teacher, and be a helpful presence so that others can come to their own healthy conclusions over time, and in return help me clarify mine.
Composition Exercise #408
Mask your ears.
Composition Exercise #407
Create an endlessly scrollable score.
Composition Exercise #406
High Deaf
Composition Exercise #405
Skype with the bouncer
Facetime with the ticket clerk
Stream the audience
Zoom in on the stage
Let the Music call you.
Composition Exercise #404
What is your role at the National Academy of Silence?